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Sectors : The best tech projects are on Kicklox CDI, mission and internship.

sectors : Join the 1st engineering community on Kicklox, to access tech projects among the most innovative companies. Register for free and one click thanks to Linkedin.

The first engineering and technology consulting platform.

Engineers or tech talents and innovative companies meet and collaborate on Kicklox to realize their engineering projects, thanks to our collaborative platform.

tech talents and innovative companies meet and collaborate on Kicklox to realize their engineering projects, thanks to our collaborative platform.

talents and innovative companies meet and collaborate on Kicklox to realize their engineering projects, thanks to our collaborative platform.

Engineers or tech talents and innovative companies meet and collaborate on Kicklox to realize their engineering projects, thanks to our collaborative platform.or tech talents and innovative companies meet and collaborate on Kicklox to realize their engineering projects, thanks to our collaborative platform.


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Qu'est-ce que Kicklox ?
Kicklox est une plateforme de mise en relation dédiée aux profils d'ingénieurs, IT, développeurs & industriels.

Kicklox fédère une communauté de + de 75 000 candidats qualifiés à l'écoute d'opportunités en CDI ou en freelance.
💶  Rémunération au succès uniquement.