
Aerospace engineer: role, skills, wage…

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What is the profession of the aerospace engineer? 

The aerospace engineer works on all types of gears which can be sent into space. It is different than the aeronautical engineer who takes care of all gears remaining in the sky. The aerospace engineer can take care of rockets or the building and the putting into orbit of a satellite.This profession requires to be rigorous and to be a thoughtful person. Sending a satellite into space remains a very costly project which leaves little space/room for failure. One of the targets of the aerospace engineer is to achieve a lot of tests and to develop computer prototypes in order to be 100% sure that the mission be a success.


Qualifications/qualities required to become an aerospace engineer:

  • Logic
  • Rigor
  • Creativity

The skills of the aerospace engineer:

The aerospace engineer has a lot of competencies. He is an expert in mechanics, propulsion system and he understands how a satellite works.


Career development for the aerospace engineer:
 The aerospace engineer can evolve mainly in positions of management and project management. He could create his own team with the experience acquired and decide the division of tasks within the team. The aerospace engineer generally works in big companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman or SpaceX. However he can become independent in order to decide which projects he wants to work on.


Entry level salary for the aerospace engineer:  

An aerospace engineer who graduated from an engineering school can earn a wage of:

  • $69,000 in US
  • £31,000 in UK
  • 41,000 € in France

Nevertheless, this wage can increase very quickly.


How to become an aerospace engineer?

This job requires a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in aerospace engineering.


Best schools for aerospace engineering in the world:



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