Hire your next employees thanks to our headhunting offer

Receive the best profiles in only a few days.

Why should you give Kicklox a headhunting mandate?

We combine human and technological resources to help you hire faster.

Hire faster thanks to our community

We save time in the sourcing of profiles thanks to our community of 70,000 engineers and tech talents.

Integrate rare skills to your teams

Thanks to our community specialized in digital jobs, engineering and new technologies, you can integrate rare skills on understaffed jobs in your teams.

Pay only if you hire our talents, without fixed costs

Our business model allows you to not incur any cost related to the search of a candidate and highlights our capacity to find the candidate you desire.

You can do pre-hiring

The hiring of your future employees is guaranteed without any risk thanks to the pre-hiring process. This type of contracts allows you to benefit from a performance before hiring in permanent contract.

Save time thanks to our platform technology

Use our digital platform to speed up your hiring process from the publication of your need to the signing of a contract.

Benefit from a premium support

We mobilize our specialist team to support you at each step and we find the perfect profile to complete your team.

How does Kicklox Hire work?

création offre

Describe to us your need

Take an appointment on our website so that we understand your need in hiring and assist you. Your job offer will be then published on our platform and our hunting team will begin the research.

Receive a shortlist of candidates

Thanks to our community of more than 70,000 engineers and tech talents and our matching algorithm, receive faster a selection of qualified candidates, who have already been interviewed by us for your job.
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kanban recrutement

Choose a candidate

Realize your hiring process faster thanks to our qualified candidates already selected and discover the one that fits you most.

Why are they using Kicklox?

Discover also here our other solutions


Work with independent workers and get access to personnalised advice from our team


Make the collaboration with all of your indenpendent workers easier thanks to our umbrella company.


Get access to a talent pool, search with filters and then contact the talent of your choice.


Manage all of your resources with our white label matchmaking platform.

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Vous êtes à la recherche de compétences techniques pour un besoin urgent ?
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