Deploy your internal mobility management platform

Are you looking to set up a tool to improve internal mobility within your company?

profil compétences

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The advantages of this solution

screening competences

Reduce the cost of your recruitments

By capitalizing on the skills of your employees, you reduce the volume of external recruitments and therefore the associated costs.

kicklox label sécurité

Offer new career opportunities to your employees

Retain your best talents by offering them career opportunities more regularly within the various entities of your group.

kicklox label suivi

Capitalize on your best talents

Your best talents are not only the top performers, they are also the ones who share your company's values and spread your message.

How it works ?

Onboard all your employees on your mobility platform

Your users are natively supported to create their detailed skills and expertise profile, so that you can offer them the most relevant mobility for them.

Benefit from an advanced profile search engine

All the employees of your choice can search and find the profiles they want with a high level of precision thanks to the advanced filters.

Match your mobility opportunities with all of your employees

Our technology developed specifically for the meeting between project and skills ensures an instant preselection of relevant candidates for your projects and vice versa.

Follow the progress of each application with a Kanban-type interface

Managing your applications for each project is now easy and intuitive with our KANBAN type table: just drag & drop the cards to move your selection process forward.

The strengths of our technology


Secure & robust platform

It responds to the challenges of deployment in complex organizations, constraining environments and large volumes of data.

Modular & integrable into your Information System

SaaS technology is adaptable to all your internal IT tools, and customizable according to your white label needs.


Ergonomic & easy to use

The interfaces are ergonomic and naturally easy to use for your teams, thus improving the adoption of your internal processes.

Do you want to discuss a platform project?

Our goal is to help you reduce your expenses and increase your operating margin.
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