Deploy your GPEC skills mapping platform

Are you looking for a GPEC tool to deploy in order to better map the skills within your Human Resources department?

profil compétences

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The advantages of this solution

screening competences

Assess your recruiting needs more easily

Gain agility with a talent mapping platform: identify skills needs among your teams before managers come to you for recruitment.
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Offer relevant training to your employees

By having access to all the skills of your employees, you can quickly see your employees who may need training.
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Digitize your entire HR strategy

All your HR strategy is centralized on a single platform thanks to Kicklox. Deploy your GPEC or even GTA strategy according to your needs.

How it works ?

Onboard your employees

Your users are natively supported to create their detailed skills and expertise profile, so that you can assign them to the projects most relevant to them.

Benefit from an advanced profile search engine

Define who within your organization can have access to our advanced search engine with many filters (skills, location, experience, availability ...)

Add dataviz to your GPEC strategy

Digital generates a lot of data, it is important to be able to analyze it. Our data visualization tools will allow you to fully understand your GPEC strategy.

The strengths of our technology


Secure & robust platform

It responds to the challenges of deployment in complex organizations, constraining environments and large volumes of data.

Modular & integrable into your Information System

SaaS technology is adaptable to all your internal IT tools, and customizable according to your white label needs.


Ergonomic & easy to use

The interfaces are ergonomic and naturally easy to use for your teams, thus improving the adoption of your internal processes.

Do you want to discuss a platform project?

Our goal is to help you reduce your expenses and increase your operating margin.
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