Intelligent builindings

We provide you support with the latest technology challenges in the use of technology in the construction industry
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batiments du futur

Connected buildings

The growth in the demand of connectivity has impacted the construction industry and has brought questions regarding the internet of things and home automation to the forefront of the latest challenges, particularly concerning the control of new skills.
The arrival of BIM (Building Information Modelling) modifies infrastructures so that we can develop the capacity to collect and use data. This allows for information to be reliably shared throughout the entire life of a building or infrastructure, from their conception to their demolition, and maintains an important role within intelligent buildings.

The arrival of new services

Outside of technology innovations specific to the building itself, the development of new services for the building’s occupants are also creating new business opportunities with digitalisation. We are currently seeing the birth and development of new concepts such as eco-neighbourhoods and even autonomous houses.
With its digital trademark, Kicklox calls on its network of engineers to deal with issues surrounding connectivity, granting you access to the most competent experts in these new technologies.
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