Kicklox Manager logo

The staffing tool in SaaS mode to optimize the management of your resources

Start now to save time in managing your resources thanks to a powerful matching algorithm.
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The advantages of Kicklox Manager

Boost your Turnover (CA)

Respond more quickly to your customers’ requests thanks to our all-in-one staffing tool, and boost your turnover!

Access new mission opportunities

Access mission opportunities published directly on Kicklox to reduce your inter-contracts.

Centralize all your data in a single tool

All your project and consultant data are grouped together in a single, easily managed central tool.

Kicklox Manager features

Discover all the features of our matching marketplace.

Centralize the profiles of your consultants / experts in the same place

Onboard and reference all your resources automatically. Then access a detailed sheet on each of your resources (availability, skills, sector, expertise, experiences, prices, etc.).

Each of your consultants has access to the platform allowing them to update their information and availability independently.

profil expert
profils platform

Search for profiles precisely (internally or externally)

Benefit from our powerful search engine to search among all your resources thanks to advanced search filters (location, skills, experience, price, etc.).

Publish your projects / calls for tenders in order to solicit your community

Publish projects on the platform to directly solicit your community of experts. Experts can then position themselves on your project to find out more.

Kicklox Manager also allows you to automatically solicit a community of more than 70,000 engineers, tech talents, design offices, SMEs …

kicklox platform matching

Staff your projects with our matching algorithm

Allocate your best available resources to your open projects in just a few clicks thanks to our matching algorithm, which saves precious time during the pre-selection of resources.

Follow the progress of all applications for your projects

Thanks to the Kanban-style management interface, keep an eye on the progress of all applications project by project. A messaging system also allows you to communicate in real time with each of your consultants.


Who is Kicklox Manager for?

Consulting company, ESN

Manage your consultants with more agility and save precious time when staffing your client projects.

Recruiting firm

Develop your own talent pool and request it in just a few clicks when you are appointed by a client.

Large companies

Source new resources for your independent project teams and save precious time on staffing your projects.

Why choose Kicklox Manager?

Access your management tool in less than 2 minutes

Instant deployment of your SaaS tool. Add your resources and projects today.

Benefit from the best prices on the market

Rates available to all companies. Billing based on your number of resources.

Access new resources

Get exclusive access to a community of 70,000 engineers and tech talents and respond to all your calls for tenders.

FAQ - Everything you need to know about Kicklox Manager

The time to set up our SaaS tool, Kicklox Manager, is very fast. In fact, all you need to do is create an account on Kicklox to access your own management tool.

No, the platform cannot be personalized with the Kicklox Manager offer. However, you can fully customize it (colors, logo, additional fields, matching algorithm, etc.) by choosing our White Label offer.

The prices depend on the number of resources that you will manage via our tool. Request more information via our form to receive a personalized quote.

In order to test Kicklox Manager and get your own idea of the product, create your account on Kicklox and discover the customer interface.

Yes, the platform is by default available in French and English at no additional cost. If you want an additional language, you will have to choose our White Label offer instead.

Do you want a personalized demo of our SaaS tool?

Fill out the following form in order to be contacted quickly by one of the experts from our team, who will present all the features of Kicklox Manager to you.
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