Discover all the features of Kicklox Platform

Our modular platform suits all your needs such as skills mapping, project staffing and workload management.

kicklox platform


Our core platform includes a large set of collaborative features needed for any use case.

Responsive application

Our platform is responsive and works perfectly on all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) in order to ensure that your team will use it.

Instant messaging

Our instant messaging system allows you to make your communications smoother and faster between all of your users.


In-app, emails & text messages notifications with follow-up make sure your users are always up-to-date regarding their projects' status.

Document generator

Export .pdf or .docx documents attached to your projects at any time.

Electronic signature

Thanks to our partner YouSign, online signature of your documents has never been easier.

Rights management

Each one of your users will be onboarded on the platform with the right access level, granting access only to some data or features of the platform.

Follow-up dashboard

Each one of your users and admin will find a follow-up dashboard with all of their activity and actions that are yet to do in order to gain reactivity.


Because digital generate a huge amount of data, it is important to visualize them properly. Our dataviz tools allow you to understand better usage of your platform.


Reference your ecosystem of talents and expertise.

Skills matrix

All of the skills of your resources are thoroughly and fully detailed thanks to our specific data models for skills mapping.


All of yours users are guided step by step, from the sign-up form until the full completion of their profile with skills and experiences in order to be able to match with your projects.

Competencies file

Find and skim through competencies files of any of your resources (partners, freelancers or employees) and manage their expertise.


Your whole ecosystem is finally able to update their availability, in order to be sure to always know which resources and skills are available at anytime.


Your talents' profiles are automatically enriched with a recommandation system that allow you to get feedbacks and comments required to assess their skills. Any project manager, resource manager, or any user can search

Advanced talent search engine

Any project manager, resource manager or user can search and finds any profiles he wishes thanks to a large set of advanced filters available.


Instantly match needs and resources.

Request For Quotes

Specify all the details of your needs or anything that your are looking for before starting the consulting process and find the perfect match.

Projects marketplace

All your needs are referenced on your own marketplace allowing your resources and other referenced users to mark themselves as interested on your project.

Matching algorithm

Our technology has been specifically developped to make project and skills match instantly.


Applications management on each of your project/need is now intuitive and easy for your whole team thanks to our KANBAN borad. All you have to do is drag and drop cards to move forward on the process.

Candidates status follow-up

The status of each application is shared with anyone at any time in order to ensure easier communication between all the stakeholders.


Manage your projects' milestones with agility.

Project milestones management

You will never lose track of progress on a project thanks to our milestones management feature. Split a project in many milestones and follow the completion of each milestone.

Milestone delivery

On each milestone, you will be able to mark it as delivered, hence meaning that the work has been done. You can also attach files to any milestones in order to validate it.

Milestone validation

Any stakeholder is able to state his progress on a project in order to make sure there is a complete follow-up of the project.


All of your talents, partners or users can be associated with a project to ensure the follow-up of the activity of a given resource.

Workload management plan

If we combine our project, assignment, activity, and resources management system with our dataviz dashboard, all of your workload management plans will no longer be holding secrets.


Automate billing for your partner network.


The formalization of the quote with your partners can be done with ease and following your actual process and standards.

Technical & financial proposal

Because a quote is never enough, our TFP system (Technical & Financial Proposal system) helps you define precisely everything related to the project to ensure its success.

Contract writing

A project definition oftenly go beyond the technical and financial aspects of the contract. It must also take into account the legal apsect of the project. This is why you can download and edit online any contracts.

Purchase orders

The purchase order is the first step of the legal and billing part of any project. Our billing module ensures an optimal follow-up and validation of the project.

Billing generation

The bills associated with your project are automatically generated with the right prices and statements to prevent any mistakes in the billing process.

Payment reconciliation

Always stay up-to-date of the different payments status and make sure your partners receive notifications to pay in time so that you will never run out of cash.

Discover our concrete use cases

Intelligent staffing platform with matching algorithm

Workload optimization platform of your resources


Freelancer Management System Platform (FMS)

Skills mapping platform for internal or external resources

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