Become a Kiklox Ambassador and encourage the freelance movement

By becoming Kicklox Ambassador, you take part in the project of freelancisation of engineers and tech talents. You also contribute to the future definition of work for the society of tomorrow.

What is Kicklox Ambassador Program?

This program is intented to freelancers of the Kicklox community who are on assignment with our customers and who wish to participate to the freelancisation of engineers and tech talents. By becoming Ambassador, you take part in the change of the society with the future of work, sharing your experience and representing the values of Kicklox.

How it works?

As an Ambassador, you are in the ground and you can detect opoortunities for new Kiklox freelancers.

1. Share your experience

As an Ambassador, you are in the ground and you can easily exchange with the teams of customers to share your experience as a freelancer.

2. Identify needs

If you identify a new need at the level of your customer that we could answer and report it to us, we take it from here to support customer by proposing relevant profiles.

3. Earn 1,000 €

For each need that you report to us which is signed with a Kicklox freelancer, you earn 1,000 euros.

Paul, 34 years old, Kicklox Ambassador

Independent engineer specialized in on-board system

✅ Kicklox Ambassador for 4 months
💶 Earnings thanks to Ambassador program : 2,000€

"I was contacted by a member of Kicklox staff after the beginning of my first mission. They told me about Ambassador program and I immediatly thought that it was an interesting opportunity! I am integrated with the customer and I exchange daily with teams. All I have to do is to make a connection when I detected new needs for expertise. Then, Kicklox takes it from here and handles everything.

For more information on the Ambassador program, visit our terms and conditions.

Also discover our sponsorship program

Choose your professional contacts and earn 500 euros when they find the first mission on Kicklox.

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📞 +33 (0)1 84 25 48 89

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